
Tuesday 30 November 2010

Diddy ft Dirty Money, 'I'm coming home'

really loving this tune. its quite soulful and i'm loving the whole scenery, the desert, burnt house, clothes, car. it speaks volumes. the video was released yesterday 29/11/2010. i love what Dawn is wearing, her body is amazing. i wanna steal it lool.

Goodmorning and I'm out

Friday 26 November 2010

Winter and the Snood

Since my last blog-post on Rihanna's Louis Vuitton froid snood, I've been in pursuit to find one which is suitable, wonderfully comfy and...don't forget affordable for me.
I have seen a couple that I super like out and about.



River Island
brown fur snood

Tie Rack




ASOS Faux Fur Pom Pom Snood

ASOS Long Fantasy Fur Snood

French Connection Chunky Multi Snood

One of this seasons must have is fur, faux or real. I'm not a big animal lover but I still love them especially lions, tigers and all other cats, not normal cats because their fur gets every where.
Long Story short, I am very picky, hence the blog name shallow. I really don't know which one to pick. I would have gotten them all but I'm on a specific budget because my mother thinks I have a shopping problem *roll my eyes* and Laugh out loud*. But my favourite ones are the snood from river island and the asos long fantasy fur snood. *sigh*

Any Suggestions???

Saturday 20 November 2010


Everything with a beginning usually has an end. 
And that includes friendship. 
I'm never sad when I loose a friend, it just means that their time in my life, 
has come to an end.

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Tuesday 16 November 2010

Prince William Is Off The Market

The future heir to the British throne has announced his engagement to Kate Middleton.
So all you, who dreamt of becoming a princess, I have to sadly but happily tell you that that dream has come to an end *laugh out loud* Maybe you can try with Prince Harry. The Queen says she is happy for the young couple so lets all join in. The wedding is expected to take place next year spring or summer in London.


"The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton," the statement said.

"The wedding will take place in the Spring or Summer of 2011, in London. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course.
"Prince William and Miss Middleton became engaged in October during a private holiday in Kenya.
"Prince William has informed The Queen and other close members of his family. Prince William has also sought the permission of Miss Middleton's father.
"Following the marriage, the couple will live in north Wales, where Prince William will continue to serve with the Royal Air Force.

Monday 15 November 2010

Emma Watson

Every guy I know is going "googoo....gaagaa" on Emma Watson, frankly i think the have every right to. The girl looks really amazing. Life has treated her well and she has grown very beautifully and sexy!! *no homo*(saying no homo is so homo) enough about my talks, see for yourself.


Rihanna in Louis Vuitton Grand Froid Snood

Rihanna was seen arriving at JFK airport in NewYork City all cuddled up in this Louis Vuitton Grand Froid Snood ($450).

She was also carrying a Louis Vuitton stellar leather bag worth approximately $3,550

I really like this snugly warm looking Froid, especially for this unpredictable London weather. For example today i was so cold i had to wrap my scarf way up around my neck and put my hood on. But like many, i have no intention spending that much on it. I will happily accept it as a gift though *laugh out loud* I hope Asos or one of the other shop will make an affordable good quality look alike.

What I'm Wearing Today!

Although I said I would blog about every and anything I wear, I figured that would be a waste of my, and you the readers time. So... I decide to only blog about the outfits worth mentioning.

For example today, I look super duper cute!! *happyface*

I'm wearing knee high boots from Barrats with shorts(from a small clothing shop in enfield). Because is windy and cold I decided to pair it up with thick tights from Dorothy Perking.

Top wise I'm wearing an Asos casual blouse bought ancient ago. And a shirt from M&S also centuries old. And a leather jacket from Krisp plus a scarf from TopShop. *I'm super cossy*

With Jewellery, If it aint real, I'm not a fan but I love the recent accessories I've found in TopShop. *they are so super duper cute*. I'm waring a gold necklace with the slogan 'kiss me quickly'. Also wearing a bow tie ring and a solitary oval shape pearl ring on my right middle finger. This outfit is so super cute, it deserve to blogged about. I'll take a crappy picture with my blackberry.

Monday 8 November 2010

Cheap Labour by Top High Street Brands "Dispatches: Fashion's Dirty Secret"

I'm watching this show on Channel4+1, its a little bit horrifying. I am shocked to find that, some of my favourite high street shops, New Look and BHS who have pledge to ensure workers work in a save and well maintained environment are contracting factories who pay workers less than half the minimum wage. These workers are employed to work in poorly lit corridors, rooms with blocked fire exists, they are under paid and still they are worked as 'slaves'.

New Look pays £1.00 or less for leggings and sells it to us for £6.99. The conditions the workers work in are atrocious, People working in Leicester work in conditions which falls bellow their own spoken standards. On their website, new look boast about their believe of safe working environment, but the people making their clothes in Leicester, work with "poorly lit corridors, and basement factors with fans as the only form of ventilation". New Look made a statement denying any direct dealings with the factory, they said they will not permit any such thing as this. After they said that they are deeply disappointed with this, and after conducting their own research, they set new standards.

Other companies that the show exposed was C&A, They delivered a statement stating that, the factory was contracted by a middle man and they were unaware of it. They claim that they will not contract them until the 'middle man' can prove an action plan to improve the working environment.

Peacocks was also one of the companies guilty to this horrific story. The factories was found making a blue blouse for peacocks. They also said that they are unaware that their suppliers had sub-contracted their clothes to be made by the specific factory and that they will do their own investigation.

Jane Norman is also part of the companies who's clothes are being made. They said that they always work with suppliers who work according to an acceptable standards. They said they will investigate these allegations and that they are truly disappointed in it.

BHS owned by Sir Phillip Green of the Arcadia clothes was also part of this disaster, Their clothes were made in this unsafe environment. They also made a statement saying that the people they contracted to make the clothes, sub-contracted it to this factory.

It seems like all these high-street fashion guru's are denying their direct association with the specified factory, and for the sake of my personal moral conscience I pray that this true. But who do we blame in these sort of scenarios, the consumer or the brand? That's for us to decide individually. But I would say the blame is on all of us. Would this stop me from shopping there, I am a shamed but i don't think so, and lets be honest neither will you.

Diary Of A Shallow Black Girl

Whenever I tell my friends I have a blog, they go, Nana you are so super sad *guilty*. I don't think I should feel guilty that I want to share my life with who ever is interested in it. Who is interested you ask? Well you, lol the one reading what I wrote. Cocky then again *guilty* this is the diary of a shallow black girl. So basically it is what it is, my life, my world, my stage now watch my play.....

Let's Talk About... Ms Keri Hilson

I love Keri Hilson (no homo - I know saying no homo is so super homo) *laugh*out*loud*. I am aware that there are those super loyal fans, who where probably supporting her long before 'turning me on'.
I believe as long you hop on the train when it make a stop, and stay on it for the ride, through the ups and down, you two can become a loyal fan. Like I am now. :D *grin*

I heard and saw video of songs she had been featured on, my favourite was 'Superhuman' with Chris Brown.
But when I heard turning me on, I was like omg... I love her *smiles*. And I have ever since.

What do I love about Ms. Keri, I lover her style, her hair, her nails, her shoes, her swag... My mother said when you like a person, you support whatever they do.
And ohw I love her new single, 'Breaking Point' its so amazing. In all her video's I think she always does something different with her style, its always fun yet elegant and very stylish even when she's wearing sneakers.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Definition of Love

"Love is a temporary madness; it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your root was so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is....
Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being in love, which any fool can do.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.
Those that truly love have roots that grow towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossoms have fallen from their branches, they find that they are one tree and not two." - 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin' by Louis de Bernière

credited to google search

This is such an amazing book. you will love it.

SO AMAZING - Ladia Yates

Saturday 6 November 2010

Ms. Nana Daily Wear

Today I'm wearing, A black mid sleeve top from H&M and thick black tights also from H&M over it I'm wearing a mid-sleeve shirt dress from a little vintage boutique in Central London. I've had this for about 3years so I can't tell you where it is from.

It was forecast to rain today, so I'm wearing my black wellington boots with a gold buckle from TopShop.
To accessories I'm wearing a three piece necklace with the slogan 'Kiss Me Quickly' from top shop, pearl earrings from Dorothy Perking and two gold ring courtesy of my parents.

The look is very casual but as always a little bit edgy. My makeup is very light just a natural shade eye shadow with a little bit of colour at the corner of my eye, some mascara and a bit of blusher. My short/half shaved hair (keri hilson style) is styled as a fringe with big wavy curls.
As always I know, its a good look. :D

Friday 5 November 2010

DOASBG Daily Wear!

On tuesday, I blogged about putting my daily outfits, the ones I think, let me rephrase that. The ones I know are worth your while.

Yesterday, I did not blog about my attire because I stayed home the whole day, but if you must know I wore a black and grey printed thick leggings with and orange long sleeve blouse and my black and white house boots.

If I was to live my house I would have switched the house boots for black casual boots and a black mini leather jacket with a hoodie and silva zips and buttons. That was yesterday.

Today I am wearing a grey super skinny jeans from Next. You will eventually notice that I wear a lot of grey. I don't know why but we will discover the reason together in another blogpost.

So I am wearing this skinny jeans with a Worker Khaki military ankle boots from Simmi shoes.

A khaki leather jacket with faux collar from Cool-Cat(Netherlands). Underneath the jacket I got on a gray polar neck jumper which is from Promise(Netherlands). The looks is very casual but still edgy. I'm wearing a Dolce&Gabanna oversize handbag(its my mothers but I have claimed ownership :D)

Excluding the Handbag you should get this look for between. £150.00 and £200.00. I cannot give the exact figure because I bought the jacket and top in Euro's.

this thursdays blog. just getting round to publishing today.

Have a lovely day.

Thursday 4 November 2010

My Inspiration

As an aspiring Hair Stylist in order to be unique, and innovating i must explore the work of Stylists before me. Taking place this year is the prestigious British Hairdressing Awards 2010, on the 22nd November the who's who of the hairdressing elite will gather to celebrate the best of British hairdressing.

The category I anxiously await for is the Afro Hairdresser of the Year, afro hair so versatile the styling possibilities are endless and each year its demonstrated through the creativity of Afro stylists. My favourite is the fabulous award winning Michelle Thompson of The Francesco Group, below is the artist and examples her work.

Michelle Thompson

Michelle's TRIBE collection for her 2010 collection
Francesco Group TRIBE Collection 2010Francesco Group TRIBE Collection 2010Francesco Group TRIBE Collection 2010Francesco Group TRIBE Collection 2010Francesco Group TRIBE Collection 2010
Michelle's winning collection of 2009
Francesco Group Hairdresser of the Year Collection 2009Francesco Group Hairdresser of the Year Collection 2009Francesco Group Hairdresser of the Year Collection 2009Francesco Group Hairdresser of the Year Collection 2009Francesco Group Hairdresser of the Year Collection 2009

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Demi Lovato Gets Treatment for Physical and Emotional Issues

It has been reported by  Lovato's representatives that, she is seeking help for emotional and physical issues. The statement did not specify the issues the 18-year old disney star is dealing with.
Demi shocked her fans with the news of her leaving the Jonas Brothers tour to get help for these issues.
I want to wish Demi and her family strength, and wish Demi a quick recover.

sources also check E-entertainment

Check out these Lovato goodies on amazon



Tuesday 2 November 2010

New Vision to Improve DOASBG

From tomorrow onwards, I will blog about my every day attire. 
I think that will help me keep track of my wardrobe. Hopefully it should help others as well.
When I look in my wardrobe, I see a lot of clothes but I am always complaining that I have nothing to wear. I'm always shopping, but  never have enough. *guilty* So from now, i will put everything on here, so i will know what i have and do not have.
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