
Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Nice Nails, are essential

I really do care about my appearance. I consider everything. and I so mean everything.
When you are going out, and you know everything is on point, don't that make you feel good.
You walk out of your house with your head high and you are like yeahh.. I'm hot.

I love everything that enhances your appearance, from beautiful clothes to hubba hubba shoes. Including nail liqueurs, make up, earrings, necklaces everything, but this blogpost is about my nails.

I hate chipped nails, it gives me the itch but like many i cannot always maintain it. I have chores to do, washing up, cooking, cleaning and i can't always be ask to wear gloves, so i don't.
but constant moisturising really name a difference, and cuticle oils really helps too, plus a manicure every once in awhile. when i have money, twice a month, if not every month.

i think when you take care of your nails, you handle your hands more lady like, than you would do normally. I prefare to have my natural nails because i can't be asked to paint them every 3days, i've settled for acrylics. But that needs changing every two weeks. have you seen when people leave their nails for so long and you can see it hanging off. yuck *getting sick* anyways, here are some pictures i found of my nails.

1 comment:

  1. I like the "blue" and the "PINK" touch'
    Pretty nails!


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